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Travel Tips: Create Your Portable Hotel Mini Bar

Travel Tips: Create Your Portable Hotel Mini Bar

Spring fever is in the air and as New Yorkers get ready for spring break, we thought it would be fun to share with you our tips for creating the perfect portable hotel mini bar. We’re firm believers in trying the bakeries, bars, and restaurants when we travel but we all know there comes a point when you want a drink or snack—be it a late night craving or it’s too long before dinner but too late for lunch moment. Hotel mini bars can be hit or miss in what they carry and to be honest, no one wants to pay $10 for a pack of M&Ms or $50 for a bottle of Whispering Angel.

Pro-tip: create and carry your own portable hotel mini bar! If you’re going somewhere nearby, as we are, it’s easy to prepare in advance and bring along. If you’re going farther afield and don’t want your snacks to crush or ruin then this can serve as a guide of what we find good to be on hand. Just make a pit stop to the grocer or drug store and fill the categories as you desire!

Begin with a Snack Caddy. When you travel you want ease, you want luxury, you don’t want your snacks strewn across the room or at the bottom of a bag that you have to dig through. So, keep it cute and organized by bringing a snack caddy. Next, fill it up!

Portable Hotel Mini Bar Something Sweet…

We love an indulgent sweet snack option. Our favorites are dark chocolate with nuts or creamy salty caramel filling. We also enjoy Australian licorice. Whatever you choose, get 2-3 types so you have options, you can savor any leftovers when you return home.

Portable Hotel Mini Bar Something Savory…

You’ve got to have something savory on hand! We love White Cheddar Popcorn or any kind of nut (almond, cashew, pistachio). A crisp potato chip can make a nice accompaniment to an in-room nightcap. Again, select 2-3 options to have on hand.

Portable Hotel Mini Bar Something to Sip….

Again, depending on your travel plans—and whether you’re a die hard carry on only or check bags person!—you may want to get your beverages on route to the hotel or bring them along. It’s always nice to bring a bottle of wine and other favorite beverages we like to bring include:

Portable Hotel Mini Bar, Little Extras…

This category will depend on your preferences. Seis loves a cigar so often I’ll surprise him with a high end cigar to enjoy on the trip. Don’t forget a traveling cigar kit if this is your jam. We also love caviar so again depending on the length and means—car vs. flight— of travel, we might bring caviar on a special trip. An overall good addition is gum and fill in the blanks as you desire!

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